Luna Moon Hare - Second
Luna Moon Hare - Second
Special offer price: £6.00
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Luna Moon Hare - Hard Back Second
Special offer price: £9.00
This item is a being sold at a reduced price as it has a minor fault in manufacture. Any fault is an aesthetic blemish and won’t interfere with the functionality of this product.
The hard back version comes with a dust jacket.
We take a magical journey with LUNA MOON HARE
through the ever changing seasons, encountering ancient
archetypes, mythical creatures, totem animals and faeries as the Goddess guides Luna on her way.
This beautifully illustrated book cleverly weaves the ancient myth of the Holly King and the Oak King into the dreamy tapestry of Luna’s journey around the wheel of the year. The qualities of the sabbats are described in loving detail and each chapter can be read to awaken your senses at the festivals.
A delight for children and adults alike!
Size: 255 x 200mm